
Exploring Shoulder Treatment at Nevada Orthopedics

An Overview of Shoulder Care at Nevada Orthopedics

Shoulder pain can drastically affect your quality of life. When it’s painful to simply lift your arm, it’s difficult to maintain an active lifestyle and daily activities. The shoulder is a multiaxial ball and socket joint that has a wider range of motion than any other joint in the body — a range of motion that comes at the cost of stability. Bursitis, tendinitis, separations, fractures and damage to the four rotator cuff muscles and their tendons can all cause significant shoulder pain and instability. Many Shoulder conditions can be treated successfully with out surgery, however, in some cases surgery is necessary.

Shoulder Conditions We Treat Include

Rotator Cuff

AC Separation

Impingement or Tendon injuries

and so many more!

More Information

Nevada Orthopedics: Shoulder Procedures Made Easy

Our main goal is to treat your injury and relieve your shoulder pain as quickly and as safely as possible. That is why we always consider a conservative approach before moving on to surgical options when treating shoulder injuries. Nevada Orthopedics offers several surgical approaches, from arthroscopic management to joint replacement, with our main goal being to help patients heal and get back to doing what they love, with improvement of pain and function.

  • The rotator cuff is a group of muscles and tendons in the shoulder that help stabilize and move the joint. Rotator cuff injuries can occur due to overuse, trauma, or degenerative changes, leading to pain, weakness, and limited shoulder motion. Symptoms include shoulder pain, weakness, and difficulty lifting or reaching overhead. Treatment options range from conservative measures such as rest, physical therapy, and anti-inflammatory medications to surgical intervention for severe cases. Surgery may involve repairing or reconstructing the damaged tendons, and recovery time can vary depending on the extent of the injury and the type of procedure performed.

  • AC (Acromioclavicular) separation is an injury to the ligaments that connect the acromion (part of the shoulder blade) to the collarbone (clavicle). It often occurs due to a fall or direct blow to the shoulder, causing pain, swelling, and deformity at the top of the shoulder. Symptoms include shoulder pain, swelling, and a visible bump or deformity at the joint. Treatment may include rest, immobilization with a sling, physical therapy, and in some cases, surgery to repair or reconstruct the damaged ligaments. Recovery time varies but may involve several weeks to months of rehabilitation to restore strength and stability in the shoulder.

  • Impingement or tendon injuries in the shoulder can result from repetitive overhead movements, trauma, or structural abnormalities in the shoulder joint. These injuries can cause pain, weakness, and decreased range of motion in the shoulder. Symptoms include shoulder pain, particularly with reaching overhead or behind the back, and weakness in the affected arm. Treatment may include rest, physical therapy, anti-inflammatory medications, and corticosteroid injections to reduce inflammation and pain. In severe cases or when conservative measures fail to provide relief, surgery may be recommended to address the underlying issue, such as removing bone spurs or repairing damaged tendons. Recovery time varies depending on the specific injury and the chosen treatment approach

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At Nevada Orthopedics, we understand that your story is unique and deserves to be told with care and attention. That's why we are dedicated to providing exceptional orthopedic services that cater to your individual needs. We believe that successful orthopedic care goes beyond just treating injuries; it's about understanding your goals and helping you get back to doing what you love.